Comfort Inn
All rooms must be booked by May 5th, 2024
Group Name: Viper Rendezvous
Group Number: GD56A4
Holiday Inn
Group Name: Viper Rendezvous
When using this link the only days it will work for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 6,7,8, 2024.
If your stay is outside of these dates you will need to call the hotel directly. This link will expire on your cutoff date, which is May 6th.
You will first need to change the dates to your arrival and departure as it will automatically default to the today's date. It will then take you to your group. You can book without a credit card but please keep in mind if you choose to not guarantee your room with a credit card you will not be guaranteed a room.
Hampton Inn
All rooms must be booked by May 7th, 2024
Group Name: Viper Rendezvous